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Dear {usertag:name}

Welcome new member Jacci Longstaff. She has joined the Food & Gardening Recreation Business & Finance Education Building & Construction and Facilities Sub-groups. They have a local electrical business and are local residents.

Jacci just to let you know The Hills Community Garden Group Inc has been started and we are letting Transition The Grove members who are interested in growing food know about it. They may be having a site meeting this coming Sunday morning at the Patricks Rd State School which I’m sure you would be welcome to come along to. It needs final confirmation so keep an eye on the Community Calendar.

I’ve told Jacci about the Forums – Business and Economy and suggested she put a post on there about their business. We are very keen to support and encourage local businesses – just steer away from advertising and making claims that are not straight facts.

The meeting on Monday night with Jackie Carpenter and Dr Roger Wade from the UK was a terrific evening. It is always a bit of a challenge organising events like this for members and the community – we are still learning how they will be supported. There was a great turn-up of members from Brisbane’s Transition community and Jackie and Roger turned out to be top-notch speakers. They both were able to help us see a bit more about what is happening in the outside world and to reflect on what Australia is doing from fresh eyes. Jackie spoke about peak oil and Roger (who has just retired from a life’s career as a climate scientist and climate policy-maker in the UK) spoke on climate change. Then they showed us some wonderful slides of their co-housing community in Cornwall – it looked so alive and fun. I’m still very envious of all their piglets sheep and wonderful vege gardens – the soil is so rich. They also have a lot of celebratory occasions. The barn dance was the one I liked the best. They just have such fun. That’s what we need here! Fun! We finished off with a great supper and people talked for ages.

Transition events are put on the Community Calendar and we also send out notices for events for a particular group such as the Energy Subgroup or the Food & Gardening Subgroup.

So welcome Jacci again. We look forward to meeting you some time. Hope you find Transition The Grove valuable to living and working locally.

Warm regards

Anne Tennock

Subgroup Coordinator

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