Campbell Newman is now the LNP candidate for Ashgrove.

Minister for the Environment Kate Jones has held the Ashgrove electorate since 2006 with a comfortable margin and she has been a very active member so Campbell Newman is not guaranteed to win it.

“Can do” Campbell Newman leaves Brisbane City Council laden down with debt for all the tunnels that he initiated during his time as Lord Mayor. It would have been good if he had consulted with ratepayers before jumping in and “Can doing”. The debt will not be something to thank him for. There is not much sign that all the toll tunnels are any great asset for us here either.

Campbell Newman also walked away from Brisbane City Council straight after the floods and at a time when the budget was heading for a black hole. He leaves us all in a massive financial mess. For a long time to come the message looks like being that there won’t be funds for anything much.

He’s run away from Brisbane City Council.

We have a chance to reflect on the experience of having him at the helm in Brisbane. He’s a good-looking guy but his management record isn’t good-looking.