Transition The Grove Banner
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Dear {usertag:name}

Anna Bourke has sent the following details throug. It is supported by the Kedron Brook Catchment Branch of Wildlife Australia. Transition The Grove is an organisational member of Kedron Brook Catchment Group and acknowledges and fully supports the value of the work they do.

Restoring Corridors 2: Half Day Bush Regeneration Basics with Maggie Scattini.

As requested by the attendees at the weeds workshop in July 2010 Maggie will take participants through the basics of ecological resotration aka bush regeneration. This workshop will cover selecting approaches for tackling sites based on the constraints and planting what plant where.

Saturday 19 February 2011 at the Downfall Creek Bushland Centre 815 Rode Rd McDowall.

8:30am for a 9:00am start until 1pm

Completely FREE!

Morning tea provided

Spaces are limited. Please RSVP to Anna Bourke by Thursday 17 February for catering purposes on 0439 788 459 or email to

Can you give this your support as a member of the Transition The Grove Environment Subgroup.


Anne Tennock

Subgroup Coordinator

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