We are focusing on roads footpaths parks halls rubbish bins children’s playgrounds and the like.

What do we need to focus on for the future for a time when oil supply is expensive and restricted and climate measures mean our lifestyles have to adapt?

What facilities assist resilience?

We have seen the importance of community shelters and centres in times of bushfire and flood. Churches with their large people-friendly spaces toilets kitchens and experience supporting people have time and again proven invaluable. Schools are also hubs of valuable facilities that the community needs to be able to understand and access readily.

What else? Our farmlands? Our animals. We are destroying our remnant farmlands for “development” right now even as the realisation is dawning how precious these farmlands will be for future food supply. Local dams. Local means of energy generation. Groups with practical skills.

Let’s think about this deeply and start planning.